I'm one of the finalists at Omy's Ybloggist contest 2010 and I need your help! http://project.omy.sg/ybloggist/vote.html Do help to vote for me once a day ok!!!
Get your family and friends to help vote too! Thanks! If I win I will be giving out some of the prizes to my readers and also you can see me blog about Hongkong!!!!! I've never sat on a plane before T_T
The voters also stand to win one of the following:
Garmin ASUS M10 smart phone.
10 x Fabrix Laptop Cases (Worth $60 each)
Villa Nalinnadda, Koh Samui (1 prize)
Sunda Resort Krabi (2 prizes)
I just received these 3 products from Bio Essence, and I'm going to try it out for a period of 14 days. I'll try to record down my measurements very alternate days, and also tell you how the product feels.

I'm very excited about it because I've been flabbier these days. I look okay in the pics but actually I have alot of flabs all around! When you all see the measurements you all will know.
I attended an event last week with many other female bloggers invited too like:
Valerie, Nadia, Sabrina, Peggy Heng, Peggy Chang, Sheylara, Xiaxue, Jessica, Velda, Jacelyn, Pris, Estee, Fay, Arissa, and still got some more sorry if I forget to add you in!
I brought my sis along and we cabbed over to Dempsey with Nadia.

Let me talk about the fun stuff first.
When we reached there, we took Polaroids and pasted them on a "tree" board. Then we branch our picture out to the people we want to protect.
Then we sit down to have our caricatures drawn. The artist drew my hair with two hands!

The artist and my picture :D

He also helped me to make a cut-out of my side profile! He made me prettier than I was supposed to be! :D

Me and my sis haha. Check out the thick eyelashes he drawn for me!

Here are some pictures taken at the event:

Magic Babe Ning also did some magic tricks.

The event was about cervical cancer.
I had some knowledge about it before the event, as my mum did mention about it to me before. However, I still learnt alot about it at the event.
Do you know?
Unlike other cancers, cervical cancer is the ONLY cancer that can be prevented, and fully cured. Yet, it remains on the list of the Top 10 cancer killers of women in Singapore. (how sad is this??!)
It is not only found in older woman - it can happen to young ladies too.
Cervical cancer can be prevented by going for regular pap smear testing. Women can also get vaccinated against it. There are two vaccines for this that are available in Singapore, with one of them providing proven protection for 4 to 6 years. Vaccination is highly recommended for all ladies, and works best before you start being sexually active, so this applies to most of my readers who are still young.
Yadda yadda. All this are just facts that we can read from brochures, but since when do we get triggered by non-living things such as brochures??
Then it dawned on me that I, as a blogger, could reach out to so many girls out there reading my blog. I can educate them the way a brochure cannot.
And you, have the power too. You have the power of influence over people who love you. Your mum, grandmother, sister, best friend. You alone might not be able to reach to thousands, but you doing your own little part and show your love to them by transferring this little meaningful knowledge to the people you love is good enough. If they love you, you can move them more than a brochure can too.
I'm not going to put the disgusting pictures up, because everyone should know that any kind of cancer is scary.
Some of the girl bloggers are heading to do their pap smear and vaccination. You should too.
Power over Cervical Cancer.
Help protect all women.
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