Red bridal robe in the morning before I change into my first gown. I wanted to wear something nice instead of my usual sleeping clothes because I know the photographer will take photos! It is also silky soft and comfortable! Get it via ezbuy Prime

I bought plenty of these decor for the house! It's so much cheaper than getting from the retail shops in Singapore. Each piece is less than $1! You can get it via this link.

My own bouquet is from TheFlowerGodmother but for my bridesmaids, I got these white bouquets from at only less than $10 each via ezbuy:

Wrist corsages too! Each is like few cents only!

Dartboard for one of the gatecrash games. Link:

My favourite buy should be this love nest ring holder during the solemnization! There is option to customize the wooden board inside but I decide the default is already nice. It's only $10+ and comes with several colours. Get it here: Something different from the geometric terrarium ring box that almost every bride is using nowadays.

Glittery gold pen to sign our marriage cert.

And carrot pens for the reception at less than a dollar each! Fits our garden theme just nice plus they are so cute! We didn't manage to get any of these back after the wedding though..... Wonder where they went. Lol.

Also got red packets from Taobao! Each piece at just few cents. There are many different designs available and I got mine here:
We placed our red packets in this nice pouch!

We also bought a number of things for our guo da li!
Tea set

Trays that came in handy.

Stickers. These are really useful! Usually for guo da li we put this double xi sticker on everything!


Also got plastic bags and canvas totes with the double Xi word!
Thank you cards for my bridesmaids...

Floral boxes for my bridesmaids gifts...

Why shop from Taobao? It's way cheaper because shopping directly from the country of origin helps to bypass any importer, exporter, distributor or retailed. I saved so much money by getting some of the items through Taobao!
I used ezbuy Prime, which gave me unlimited shipping fee at only $2.99 each time regardless the size, weight or quantity! Needless to say I compiled all the items in my shopping cart and only checked out at one go! Another benefit of Prime is that it includes all Buy-For-Me services such as Purchase, Inspection and After-sales support + instant upgrade to SVIP membership to enjoy 50% off agent fee!
Something special for you all, Free $10 Shopper Voucher when you register through this link!
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