In today's entry, I shall be sharing my thoughts on a topic mainly for the ladies here.
All my friends know that I have a low tolerance for pain. Even eyebrow plucking is painful for me, so when I had bangs last time, I only went once every few months for plucking. Now that I am growing out my fringe, I have no choice but to go for regular trimming but instead of plucking, I always tell the beautician I prefer shaving. Then some of them will say 'aiya not pain one la' and then proceed to pluck my brows while I squeeze my fist in pain. Sigh.
Same goes for the underarms. I have always shaved because once, I tried plucking and it was so painful! Although plucking allows the underarms to be hair-free for a longer period of time as compared to shaving, I will always choose the latter as it is pain-free. (I totally cannot imagine the pain those girls who choose waxing go through!) But the problem with shaving, is that shaving has to be done daily, or at least once every two days. Sometimes I forget when I am late and rush out of the house. Those days are terrible because I would be extremely conscious about my underarms and try not to raise my hands. I am especially concerned about this issue because I am usually in sleeveless wear!
For quite a long time, I have considered doing IPL (intense pulse light) permanent hair removal for my underarms so that I could get rid of the inconvenience that has been bothering me for so long. I wanted somewhere that has unlimited treatments with affordable pricing, and was introduced to Musee Platinum Tokyo, Japan's No.1 IPL Hair Removal Salon.
I decided to try out the branch at Centrepoint. But they have also other branches in Singapore conveniently located at Plaza Singapura, Scotts Square, Bugis+, Westgate and Bedok Point!

First, my consultant brought me to a room and gave me a form to fill up, mainly to find out more about my health and skin condition before any services was done. After that, she explained to me what to look out for before and after the treatment, and also how it was done!

Really look forward to saying goodbye to underarm hair!

The treatment is done on a separate day. This is how the treatment room looks like! Unlike a spa with additional features such as relaxing music, light pot purri or silk linen etc, the room is very basic. Musee shares that in the beauty industry, all these overheads will go into the cost! Musee focuses ONLY on hair removal within an acceptably comfortable setting so they can pass ALL THE SAVINGS to you.
I also liked how there was a closet for us to put our belongings, and it comes with a key that will be worn on my hand throughout the treatment.

Changed into their robe in a basic but comfortable room. Clean blankets provided if you feel cold!

Laid down and she placed the shades over my eyes to protect it from the IPL. I really like how professional and well trained the staff are.

Afterwards, she applied some cool gel on my underarms and proceed to IPL. The gel gave a cold tingling sensation and the IPL was not painful at all! In fact, the whole session felt comfortable and I almost fell asleep even though it was so fast. After the gel was removed, she put some lotion on my underarms and I was good to go!

I really think IPL is such a savior for ladies. Duration only takes 3 minutes and pain is minimal. Another surprising thing is that unlike waxing and laser, it did not have any damage on my skin. No stubs, no red bumps! About a week after the treatment, I noticed some of my hair started to fall out. Felt very excited to go for more treatments and eventually make the hair all gone!
Most of all, I liked the service quality in MUSEE. I finally understand why MUSEE is so popular among women in Japan, to the extent that they are Japan's NO.1! Everybody knows that Japanese women have very high standards when it comes to beauty, so this really shows how good they are.
Now, the price!
During September the package i went for was the unlimited underarms package for SGD 38. NOW (from October onwards), you can have unlimited sessions for underarms AND BIKINI LINE for only SGD 38 at MUSEE! No need to go through troublesome regime anymore. Just SGD38 ONCE for beautiful underarms AND bikini line. If you are still shaving or waxing, it’s time to switch! Permanent hair removal means that after all that treatments, I don’t have to spend money and time on removing unsightly hairs on my underarms (now, plus the bikini line) anymore!
For students, the promotion is even better. Only until 31st October, students can enjoy half price! Unlimited underarm session is only SGD24, plus a free cute shaver! Just like the facebook page (, book for free consultation, and bring your student ID to enjoy this promotion! If only there was something like this when I was still schooling.... $24 is really super worth it! Hurry!
Just call now and say bye to uncomfortable days!