This place left quite a good impression on me and I immediately introduced this place to people around me even though I have only been there once. I have nothing but praises for this new cafe: its simplicity, low prices, and pretty, cozy interior. If only it's not located so far from where I stay.

The design inside was extremely simple - very modern muji inspired style. Check out the menu board against the wall. Most items are from $3 - $6, extremely affordable!

Got ourselves a nice corner by the full length windows where sunlight was shining in. Bf ordered the Ham & Cheese sandwich, which came looking like a burger instead. Looks good nevertheless.

I just had my braces fixed a few days before my visit to this cafe, so my teeth was still hurting alot then. I did not have much appetite for anything else and just ordered a simple fruit jam toast. Simple, but so satisfying! Good food doesn't have to be complicated. Now that my braces do not hurt anymore, I am contemplating to come back again and enjoy the food properly! Although I can eat harder things now, I think I will order the same thing.
The set also came with soft boiled eggs, which is my all-time-favorite snack.

Bf also ordered glutinous rice off the local delights menu. It was good too.

Ended our meal with a hot cup of tea. I could laze my afternoons away like this all the time, anytime. I recommend this place for cafe-hopping students with a budget. This is one of the rare places with good ambience, good food, good price.

The Tastemaker Store
22 Havelock Road
Singapore 160022
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