As the picture above says, HANGERSBAR has revamped!! Into an even better system which I'm such you all will love! I personally like the new design much much better.
Let me bring you through it :)
This is the page you'll land on when you click into http://www.hangersbar.com/
.... yea... and my photos.

First up, click on the "LOG IN" button at the top right corner to sign up! It's a one-time thing, so do it first~ Just afew steps!

Include your particulars.

You can add more than 1 addresses! Sometimes you want to send it to the office, sometimes you want to send to home. This is very convenient!

And done!
Start shopping! Hover over the boxes to view descriptions and add to cart.

It'll lead you to this page. I chose two items :)

Choose your postage method.

3 options to choose from.
Let me tell you, I love the paypal function!

You DO NOT need any paypal account to use this. It's very easy. You'll come to this page, and you just have to fill the blanks and your card numbers in. So convenient and safe! You really need to try this method. I wish all blogshops use this. Just have your card in hand when you shop, don't even need to log in any ibanking sites, nor do you need to run to the nearest atm.
No credit card? Fret not!
Debit card works as well! Some atm cards also can~

If you prefer the normal method, you can still pay via bank transfer.

Use HBREVAMP as voucher code when checking out to enjoy 8 bucks off all items under promotion tab!!!!
Head over to http://www.hangersbar.com/ now!!
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