Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Read related entries:
Preview: http://ow.ly/19DIpO
Part 1: http://ow.ly/19Fa5H
Part 2: http://ow.ly/19HteA
Part 3: http://ow.ly/19IW39
Part 4: http://ow.ly/19JMoh
Part 5: http://ow.ly/KkuXt

This seem to be dragging on forever. Lol. Okay lah last entry on it already!
Some leftover pics from my last day in Malacca.

Top is from TheBlogShop.

Haha, all camwhore shots.

On the journey back home, I was looking forward to read smses sent by SX while I was in Malacca. Sometimes it's good to take a short break out of the country, and make your partner miss you more. Hahaha.

Read related entries:
Preview: http://ow.ly/19DIpO
Part 1: http://ow.ly/19Fa5H
Part 2: http://ow.ly/19HteA
Part 3: http://ow.ly/19IW39
Part 4: http://ow.ly/19JMoh
Part 5: http://ow.ly/KkuXt

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