As POCC ambassadors, we were given the very pleasant subsidized price of $280 for our 3 jabs of Cervical Cancer vaccination, usual price at $420. They were also nice enough to give us 5 of these rates to giveaway to our readers, but mine were all distributed to the nuffies already! I think I'll be going with them and Nadia during August :) You all should also go for your jabs soon! Those who are working should be able to set aside an amount to go for the jabs. It's definitely more worth it than splurging it on club entries and alcohol.
There is also the Pink Party coming up on 24th July at Zouk, and before the party in the afternoon there will be a bazaar sale. Amongst the other booths that you can shop at, I'll be contributing some stuffs at the charity booth, so do come down and see if there's anything you like! Sales proceeds to the cervical cancer prevention fund/cancer society.
Ram with roses
I've done an advertorial with them before and is glad to do it for them again!

They've revamped, and is now ready to take over the shopping world!
The clothes are categorised according to category for easy search of clothes, perfect if you just want to cut straight to the point.
A wide variety of styles of clothes available at reasonable prices. Here are some of my favourites.

Customer service is very good too! Emails/comments will be replied within 12hours. No longer have to wait by your inbox anxiously!
Also, efficiency is the most important! Parcels will be mailed out within the next working day after payment has been made.

Clothes are of good quality, thus their's nothing to worry about. Do join the mailing list to get free normal postage!

Buy 3 pieces or above to get 5% discount on top of mailing list discount!
And if you are my raeder (of cos you are ^^ ), quote "ICEANGEL" to get an additional $1 off!

They are into social media as well to serve you better!
Follow Ramwithroses at twitter:
Join the fanpage at facebook as well. CLICK
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