What do girls do best when we are bored? Taking photos! Haha. You guys dont like whitey photos of me right? Here're super orange photos because of the orange light!

So many shadows on my face. Grr. I hate uneven lighting.
Jessica is chio twit! Haha.
I hate the way my hair is so flat. Haha. Thinking of putting hair extensions... Where where where to do it?? Want to redye my hair into Makiyo's hair colour!! (hair colour only, Not hairstyle -.- )
Update more tomorrow! Busy now. BB!
found nice new songs again!
Guo Mei Mei's New 2nd Album!
Here are some of the better ones in the album:
Track one - Wo De Da Ling: Not bad, it sounds nicer with earpiece :D
Track two - Ai Qing Nu Shen: Remember the song "God is a Girl"? It used to be super popular but then it died out. Now it's back with chinese version. I think it's quite fresh. I like. Thumbs Up.
Track four - Bu Yao Pa: Quite soothing. It has an extract of that childhood song i used to sing :D
Track seven - Zuo Shou Bian: I LOVE THIS SONG THE MOST!! Damn nice luh.
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