well, kinda lazy to update recently. tired with work at the Sitex Show. Imagine standing more than 12 hours on a pair high heels without sitting! Poor feets. I wonder if standing for a long time would make my thighs smaller :D
i still have two more days to endure :(
i wish i could take two days off! haha. then i dont have to work at this show anymore. so freaking tired. huimin told me that in some companies, if you are working full time, you get double pay whenever you appear for work with mc. very good lorrrrrrrrrr. if lydat i sick also will go work.
A man walked up to me and asked to take a photo of me, and so he took me and fiona together. 3 times, because his skill isn't good and his camera keep shaking? i dont know, haha. well, until now he still havent sent it to my email. Grr! He asked me to add his friendster, and told me his name. Hahaha. His name is so common, dont expect me to search for his profile bah?! im not going to do that. i just want the photo =x
The ugly vest. BLUE is an ugly colour.

I hate toilet lights. They make my nose look like there's only the bottom part, since my nose isn't very sharp and tiny.
Played with the scanner and printer. Heh.
Went to Jessica's house before work on the first day. Had macdonalds delivery. I LOVE MACDONALDS.
And something to scare you,
Jessica in the morning! im glad im not her boyfriend. I dont want to wake up to this monster every morning. lol ! We spent the morning surfing the net on her comfy bed and super cold room.

Makeup until late and cabbed down to fiona's house this morning and then cabbed again to Expo. Spend money like tapwater -.- I NO MONEY ALREADY!! i still got so many things to buy :(
Met up with isaac after so long. A picture :)

Boyfriend came to find me at work yesterday and today. Yesterday he came with a bottle of drink, and today he came with a bottle of drink for me again. hahaha. I have so many free water to drink at my booth, i dont want water already! Make me so bloated. lol. He brought me home yesterday, and the bus was super packed. He has off-day till monday, and im so happy! yay yay.
Samsung invited me to an all-expenses paid trip to korea (4days!) for some thingy, but it's sad that i couldn't go! Mum would never allow me to go overseas alone. Sigh, how many times do such a chance come by?
I wanna earn lots and lots of money so that i can go travelling around the world before i get married! I wanna camwhore around the world~~
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