Now that I've started working full time, I've been shopping alot more. Not because I have extra money, but more because I head out everyday and I don't want to be caught in the same outfit within a week! (and that I've got myself a new wardrobe in addition to my old closet and it's not full yet!!!)
Shopping on foot is SOOOO TIRING and I hate that I can't take a longer time to decide because the salesgirls would be staring at me as though beckoning me to make an impulse buy. I think it's their tactic lor! Purposely stress us then we feel obliged to just faster buy, even though deep in our hearts we have a feeling that there would be something nicer and cheaper in the next shop.
Thank goodness that Jipaban was formed! I really liked the idea of browsing different shops all on one site, and the simplicity of adding items to shopping cart and checking out. I'm sure your boyfriends would gladly agree to this alternative way of "accompanying" you on your shopping spree.
OH! And do you know, I got this weird habit of planning my clothes one week in advance! I've had enough of always having nothing nice to wear for an event just because I already wore all my nice clothes afew days ago (I don't like to repeat same dress within 3 weeks!). Let's see what I've plan for next week!!
Unlike others who have Monday Blues, to me it's a fresh new week so I like to dress up! A typical monday's outfit would be this from myglamourplace!
I really like dresses in this colour. So sweet!

Afraid of office cold like me?
You can choose one from 3 options:
1) Denim Jacket - Light pastel blue with pink will never go wrong. In fact you'll look cute like yummy candy!
2) Black Jacket with gold studs - Immediately you look cool! Black and light pink also matches well.
3) White cardigan - White and Pink is definitely my favourite colour combination for everything! It's such a sweet match!
Or you can be like me:
Seriously, I wore THREE jackets that day in my office and I still felt like I was in Antarctica! Hate centralised aircon!
And then it's on to....
TUESDAYI seem to always have tuesday blues. It's like a day stuck in the middle of nowhere plus feels so far away from the weekend. I usually slip into a casual (yet fit for work) dress like this one below, which is from kizzofgoddess.(I love the designs they bring in!!)
Although simple, I felt that the frills at the sleeves add a nice touch to an otherwise plain outfit.

Ya la, my tuesdays got no activities very boring one. Hop on to Wednesday!
Usually I'd make dinner plans with friends or my boyfriend. Something comfy, stylish, yet not too overdressed! This black jumpsuit from Myglamourplace is just perfect!
I feel that I'll also wear it the same way as this model does... to pull back a high pony tail. Smart yet energetic! This look just spells c-o-n-f-i-d-e-n-c-e~!!

Pair it with this pair of studded heels and navy hermes inspired bag from Yventually! Must wear heels with jumpers, if not look like pyjamas hahaha.

You wouldn't want to be totally black, so a nice navy bag would do great! If not, you have a wide variety of bags from Yventually to choose from too~

One day to Friday~! I've a meeting for work today, thus I'll have to dress more professionally! For me, florals is a No-No for formal meetings with outside people. As I am quite young compared to the veteran executives out there, I have to look like I have experience so that they'll take me seriously! Wearing florals just makes me look even younger.
A blazer from HerWalkinCloset bound to make me look professional immediately. It's also not the usual kind of black super-formal blazer, so I wont look too overdressed!

I'm very conscious and afraid of overdressing one lor. That's why to balance and tone down from being too formal, I chose to wear a plain, light coloured dress for the inside (kizzofgoddess).

Recently I keep craving for steamboat don't know why! Just take out the blazer, I can go to humid steamboat places or stuffy hawkercentres (for my favourite bbq chickenwings!) after work without over-heating myself.
Dress down days for most offices! And clubbing mood for most girls, but for me I'd usually be exhausted by Friday. A sweet dress from Hanasecret to celebrate the upcoming weekend!
(I love the combination that the model in this picture has! Love that bag!)

YAY it's the weekend already!!!!
There are usually events on saturdays, and the moment i set my eyes upon this bareback piece from HerWalkinCloset (again!), I knew it is just perfect. Pair it with high waist black skirt and 5 inch heels!
I've always loved barebacks, but there aren't many of such styles around.

Then after the event if my boyfriend's gonna pick me up, I must faster throw on a jacket if not he see my back like that he sure nag!!! My mum is more open-minded than my boyfriend lor! Haha he's like my father, when I wear short dresses they'll keep niam niam niam, while my mum would be "short meh? nice what!" Hahaha.
I wanted to buy a those semi-transparent blouse and wear tube inside but cannot cos even if show abit of belly button only, my boyfriend will not talk to me for 3 days!! Really! Last time we quarrelled like afew hours over a slightly-thin-fabric white dress lor. Tsk, alot white dresses are slightly sheer one what........... Now I buy clothes must very careful -________-
A lazyday with friends...brunch, shopping... and because I seldom have the chance to wear my shorts during office hours, shall wear it with this sweet chiffon top from Kizzofgoddess on this very rare day!

It was fun picking out the dresses for my week! It really shows how much variety Jipaban has to cater to different girls and different occasions. However, because of the wide range of choices, I had difficulties deciding for myself!
I've always preferred shopping alone, but it'll be nice to have shopping kakis to help me decide which pieces are yay or nay. In Jipaban, they have the egg-on feature, where you can put up a piece and get people to vote for buy or dont buy. This are some of the items I added into my egg-on list! Can you guess which days I'd wear them?

There's also a new feature that allows us to authorise it with facebook, to easily reach out to all my friends!

Jipaban is definitely a One-Stop Shopping Mall for me to grab all the stuff I need for work and play, for one whole week!!

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