Went out with isaac again that day, and we realised our photos taken that day are all either Reddish, yellow-greenish, or flu-ish. haha. Anyway, it's greenish only because we both wore green tops! haha. Not concidence lah. We had plan to wear same colour beforehand.
Do you people know that there is a cafe hidden at a corner of the top level of Cineleisure, the place where you buy tickets? I didn't know, until isaac told me!
It's this very reddish place:

Although it's a cafe, but the prices are quite cheap! One set only $6.50. There are dining tables and chairs, or if you just want to relax with your coke, there are sofas too! The saleperson is also very nice :)

Free gaming!

we didn't sit on this sofa. we sat on another nicer sofa. hahaha. forgot to take a picture of it. It's very comfortable lor. but me and isaac sat there too long i think, because when i stood up finally, my butt started to hurt. Heh.

There are cheesecakes also leh!! $4.80 only. After 8pm, it's 50% off!

We both ordered Chicken Baked Rice. It's very very delicious sia. Since the time i ate at Swensens a couple of years ago, i havent had the chance to eat Baked Rice.

No wonder it's called Coke Red Lounge.
So many coke and so RED.

There isn't much customers although it's dining time though. I think not much people know about this place.

I like this photo below :D

"We know" column is for people we both know. "He know" column is for his friends, and "she knows" column is for my friend!

We wouldn't be called Isaac and Esther if we went out together and never take any photos at all. Haha.

Even on the escalator!

If you have gone out with me before, you would always see me digging my bag finding things. haha. inside my bag is a big mess!

We were taking pictures, when he suddenly made a very funny face and i laughed so much that i almost peed =X

Isaac's nose was naughty that day and kept running.

When i got home, i started sneezing badly.
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