I wore one of their tops out one evening, to my baby cousin's birthday celebration.

My cute and cheery baby cousin who just turned one! Didn't managed to catch smiling photos of him but seriously, he is really one happy kid. Haha. He can walk already ^^

Ice cream birthday cake!

So anyway, I wore this flare top with a thin green belt. The flare adds some feminine touch to this simple versatile top. I think it is very suitable for work too. (Sorry, I was rushing out and didn't have the time to iron the clothing properly!)

The Hatch Tree also post some lookbook photos on their web. I quite like these two below:

The summer breeze collection is up just today! The tagline was: "Playing with chiffon and colours in the midst of the summer breeze." Sounds so fun and dreamy doesn't it!
You can mention my name "estherxie" to get 10% off. Support my friend!! :D
Check them out now!
Shop: http://www.thehatchtree.com/
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