Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fairy CupCakes

Fairy Cupcakes

I was feeling bored that day so I bought this to bake! I was attracted by the edible "glitter". Lol. Apparently the box seem to state that there is strawberry icing mix provided inside, but when I got home there wasn't any! Hmmph :(

Colourful patty cases! Love.

Baking using cake mix is so easy. Just add water and egg and oil!


Done! My oven has spoilt, so I've been using the grill for all my baking now. It works perfectly fine! I use the bottom grill first, and then at the last 3 minutes I'll use both top and bottom grill so that the top will get some nice brownish color.

Icing! I reused the color dye from my previous baking session (cheeseburger cupcakes).

I used icing sugar to do it. Just mix with milk and butter until you get the right texture..

Realise that green looks scary on cupcakes and yellow look dull. ME WANTS PINK!

Added the edible glitter from the box and poked flags that I bought last time when I was still doing bentos.

Hehe! SX said it's too sweet. I must have put too much icing sugar for the toppings :p

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