I think that I'm clever when it comes to certain things, but I'm totally lousy at chim topics such as IT, accounting, or engineering. I'm easily awed by people who can type some formulas into computers and voila, something happens.
Attending the launch event of CREATE2011 with me was Randy, Tammy and Jocelyn. Two other girls I met for the first time were also there, Mae and her friend.

After a warm up part with the Muttons from 98.7FM (they are super entertaining and funny - IF you are not the receiving butt of their jokes), we were ushered into the cinema theater to know more about the contest. I wrote about the contest last year, and is glad that I'm invited again to blog about this :)

When we saw videos of the participants last year and their ideas/creations, me and Tammy were going "omg why are they so clever!!!!"

The winning group had created something that could grow plants anywhere in the world with the right temperature, settings, etc. Genius. It was also something that could better the world because the creation does help to solve a big world problem.

My sister recently had a project which required her to sort of create/invent something new under the theme "selection". Both of us were zero with ideas. I guess it runs in the family haha.
I'm not good at this kind of stuffs, but maybe you are!!
Early bird registration and submissions closes on 30 June 2010. Final idea submissions is 30 July 2010. Visit http://create2011.com.sg/ to find out more!
There are two categories you can register under:
- Junior category (students aged 13 - 16)
- Senior category (students aged 17 - 19)
The enthusiasm and excitement of the secondary/JC students with us in the theater was a surprising thing for me. The schools I attended in the past were never eager in this kind of contest - we only like those art/performance/sports contests hahahah so shallow one.
The Creators of Tomorrow are a group of volunteers interested in nurturing the future generations of engineers in Singapore. If you are one of the people who have a strong love for changing tomorrow, you should really consider gathering a few friends who have the same passion as you to join the contest.
Here are the attractive prizes!
This year, the prizes for the CREATE2011 Challenge are sponsored by Nokia, in collaboration with
Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) and the Science Centre.
In total, the CREATE2011 prizes are valued at more than SGD$20,000.
"When we talk about the "future of mobility", what comes to mind?"
Answer this question and the top 10 answers win a pair of movie tickets each!
Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) and the Science Centre.
In total, the CREATE2011 prizes are valued at more than SGD$20,000.

"When we talk about the "future of mobility", what comes to mind?"
Answer this question and the top 10 answers win a pair of movie tickets each!

Submit your ideas to us before 30 June 2010, you could walk away with one of three Nokia handphones we’re giving away to reward the early birds.

Each member of the first 40 teams to submit their ideas will be entitled to Nokia retail vouchers.

The 5 Finalist teams from each category will receive SGD$1000 per team. The school of each finalist teams will be given SGD$1000 to help their students further develop their idea.

For the team who wins the once-in-a-lifetime Nokia Experiential Journey Grand Prize, which includes a 4-day (meals, economy airfare, reasonable accommodation) experiential journey to the Nokia Campus in Beijing, including tours to the Design Centre, and state-of-the-art Nokia manufacturing facility in China, as well as an exclusive visit to Nokia’s regional headquarters in Singapore to meet the people behind Nokia’s business and innovation.
This is the calendar of exciting happenings for this contest:

Don't waste your talent and interest while you are still young! Who knows, your creation might change the lives of everyone tomorrow!

Anyway at the event we also watched Shrek4 in 3D. I couldn't wear my 3D glasses properly cos my eyelashes are too long it keeps poking the screen lol. Nevertheless the movie was very enjoyable although I didn't watch Shrek 1, 2, and 3.
You can watch the event video at
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boqVziqQzlg !
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