I initially reserved 5 seats for friends and 5 for readers, but Roxanne last minute say she couldn't come! :(
In the end it was 4 friend seats:
Nadia came with CCB and Fidelis came with Leon.
& 6 reader seats:
ChuBin & Xuanny
Celine & Eugene
Hongpeng & Qingyi
From nuffnang, Dana and Raine came! ^^
Thanks to all those who emailed! There were not enough seats to cater for everyone, so sorry to those who didn't get selected! I hope there would be more chances to meet you all in the future!
I was late :p
The readers group were shy and thanks to Raine for helping to converse with them so that they don't feel bored! On the other side, the friends group were teasing me by placing so many orders using "Esther say she want drumlets!" when the actual case is they ownselves want to eat de! Lol.
Nadia and her newly skinned phone and her bf's arm.

Fidelis and Leon.

Love them loads ♥ - I mean Nadia and Fidelis, not their boyfriends. Lol.
It was nice having lunch with the readers! Here are some after-lunch pictures!

These two girls damn cute ^^

Group piccy!

Headed over to accompany bf for his lunch break after that. Had yummy icecream!

Went back to nuffnang office and had fun with Bandhero! I kept losing though, i suck at it!

Ben and Valerie were also there. Their office so comfy, like home lydat.

A picture of myself to end off the entry! Love my lower lash here!

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