Sunday, September 20, 2009

After a tiring morning photoshoot at AnnSiangHill, some of us girls went into this cozy restaurant for some aircon cos the weather outside was burning.

Ordered a pizza to share cos none of us were very hungry.

Service was warm and lovely :)

Met up with Sophia afterwards. Had Xinwang.

Then we watched "i love you beth cooper"

DENVER BLUFF ME ONE! He say nice. But the movie not that nice lor.

Quite lame. However managed to make us laugh at some of the goofy parts lah. Meaningless show. haha.

Anyway, im sending out a batch of paid orders for MYSECRETROSE on monday. If you received invoice and havent paid, do pay before monday so that i can add your order into the this batch. If you havent order, do order fast because some of the stocks are running out already :)

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Collection 2 will be coming out soon!

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Besides my own blogshop, you can support Europhialley too! My favourites from their new collection:

This one is also pretty!

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Head over to have a look now!

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