Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hello people!

I've afew things to blog about but that will have to wait because i need isaac to send me the pictures (please pester him if you want me to blog about it faster :D ), and nuffnang to approve one entry before i can put up the another one. And another post which was supposed to be out LAST YEAR, but that photographer took forever to finish editing the pics :(

For now, let's enjoy some jokes i found while i was clearing my table. I used to print out jokes so that i would remember them. Now, i shall share all of them!

How do you make a hotdog stand?
(Highlight the sentence below this line to read the answer)
*steal it's chair

What's the best way to prevent the milk from going sour?
(Highlight the sentence below this line to read the answer)
*drink it when it's fresh

What's the best thing to do when you see a lion under your bed?
(Highlight the sentence below this line to read the answer)
*Sleep somewhere else

What's big, yellow, and eat rocks?
(Highlight the sentence below this line to read the answer)
*A big yellow rock eater.

What's a waste of energy?
(Highlight the sentence below this line to read the answer)
*Telling a hair-rasing story to a bald man.

Where will you always find diamonds?
(Highlight the sentence below this line to read the answer)
*In a pack of cards.

What will you get if you dial 23456789098765432345678934567 8987654324567898765432456789765445678987654324567876
(Highlight the sentence below this line to read the answer)
*A blister on your finger.

Why is there no tug-of-war between England and France?
(Highlight the sentence below this line to read the answer)
*Because no one could find a rope 26 miles long!

Which one do you like most???

Wait for my updates! I promise there would be many many pictures ^^

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