First, we went to Daiso at Ion and Mum suggested for us to go in individually and pick a gift for each other as Christmas presents. We spent lots of time in there trying to find something that we think each of them would like. Because there were SO MANY items available, it was very difficult to find the best present. For example, I found so many things that I think my sister would love and I could not decide on one! I was also very afraid to bump into them at the store. I was looking and holding a belt and my Dad spotted me -_-"
So in the end, these were what we got for each other! It was very interesting to know what they all think I would like haha.
1. Water bottle. Mum got this for dad. I was torn between this and number 5 for Dad. Spot Mum and saw that she was planning to give dad the wealth-cat ornament -.- End up she decided to give him the bottle instead because the ornament is really useless. Haha.
2. Towel. Dad got this for Mum. He say it's for her to wipe table. Hahaha.
3. Mini tripod. Dad got this for me! Guess it'd be useful if I do vlogs in the future. Or when I want to camwhore without holding up the camera.
4. SD card reader. Dad got this for my sister! Think it'll be quite useful for her because she can use it for her school projects.
5. Belt I got for my dad. Useful for him!
6. Nice pink jewel bag hanger I got for mum. Meaningful because she is a bag-lover but she say no use one! :(
7. Orange juice squeezer from Mum for me... Lol.
8. Rose pocket mirror for my sis! I think pretty but she prefers number 11!
9. Shoe polisher for my dad, from my sis.... Dad has all the useful gifts!
10. Earrings for mum, from my sis. I suggested this for her, and mum loves it!
11. Pocket mirror for me from my sis... Haha. Funny that we gave each other the same stuff, just different designs.
12. Some headband thingy for my sis, from my mum. Mum said she wanted to give me this at first.... For what?!!!! Lucky she gave it to my sis in the end hahaha.

After the gift-hunt, we walked past Rubi and saw shoes on sale! Bought them at super low prices. Took pictures of them... Here's what we bought, in different sizes! Haha.
White flats for ... $2!!!!!! Too big for me because these are for mum.

This one below is for me! Dark brown sandals. Very comfy~ $5.

Version in light brown:

& Black.

This suede sandals is $2 only too!

And finally this black chunky sandals is $5.

All very cheap right?
I was like super auntie while snatching these shoes because there were so many other people grabbing everything on the racks! Super embarrassing when I turned around and two readers said Hi to me. Hahaha.

( See what I got on my hair! )

I love the pink dress I wore. It's comfy and easy to wear, plus it's so lovely! Perfect for CNY too... It is sponsored by www.galsstreet.com !
There are also plenty of other pretty dresses and the best thing is, you all will be entitled $1 off if you quote "estherxie" as the coupon code. I'm sure you all are shopping for CNY clothes now right? Why not visit www.galsstreet.com to see if there is anything you like?
A belated merry christmas from Churpie!!

Santa Churpie is giving you and 8 friends a little something for joining Churp Churp!
For 12 days of Christmas, Santa Churpie will be giving away Xmas gifts - Bodyshop Moringa Gift Cube, Churp Churp 2GB Thumbdrive (this one I have. Damn cute!), Jipaban Vouchers, Movie Ticket, Starbucks Christmas Character Mug, Paperback Notebook,$10 Takashimaya Voucher or Royce Chocolates!! Simply join ChurpChurp if you have a twitter or facebook account. Next, choose the gift that you would like Santa Churpie to gift you and your friends this Christmas, refer at least 8 friends to join you at Churp Churp and all of you can stand a chance to win that special something you have chosen for them!
In line with the spirit of giving, non-winners will still be rewarded with $1 for every friend referred! Share the joy this Christmas! I have chosen to give Royce Chocolates to my referrals! If you also want, Click here now!
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