When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.
I'll remember those words whenever i feel that life is being hard on me :)
And for those readers who have noticed i became less cheerful compared to how i was in the past, I've noticed that too. I'll try to be a happier esther from today onwards, because nobody would like someone who is always depressing.
Uploading of pictures:
- 1st try: Finally upload everything, then suddenly codes messed up due to dont know what reason, and i had to start all over again.
- 2nd try: internet explorer shows an error and i have to start all over again because blogger didn't saved.
- 3rd try: Some small errors along the way and finally got all the pics up. Phew.
My Birthday Party, 2008.
Below are photos taken by Edmund and Nadnut. The other 2 photographers have not sent me the pics and well, one of them is in Australia now so i guess we have to wait some time before we can see the pictures he took -.-
Here are the ones i received!
After our initial hotel messed up our reservations, Fiona and me went over to another hotel nearby and booked their biggest suite, which is sadly smaller than the one in the former hotel, and also more expensive. Boohoo.
The suite consisted of one main living room connected with a mini open kitchen, two bedrooms and two bathrooms (which turned out to be a good hiding place for shy guests -.- )
Music Heyo~! Because we were playing random music from bf's laptop, sometimes one or two sad jaychou songs would pop up in the midst of party songs. LOL.

Me and bestie who came over early to help out.

First time isaac not late! In fact, he was quite early!

Babes babes babes~

Miyake, Hongling, Me.

Grace, isaac, me!

Sparkling juice for people who can't drink vodka. Alcohol at the party wasn't finished up! Vodka, Jimbeam Bourbon and Chivas!

the veryfun photographer.

The photographer who escaped to australia!

Sharlene drank vodka till she was "blushing" when she went home. Haha.


Nails were sponsored by Milly's nail parlour! I said i want something blue to fit my dress and then tada~ i have lovely blue nails within minutes.

Chris asked me what i want as bday present and i said "anything". And so, he really got "anything" for me -.- Haha!

Cute Christ and my cute girls!

Balloony Fun.

Army has made jayden really dark!

Jayden got an idea!

Bf is very tired.

Gulped down the vodka.

Michelle dropped by.

Leon, Fidelis, Me!

Fred, the one who sponsored my birthday party location last year.

Lovely couple. I shot this!!

This rose on top of grace's head reminds me of shrek.

Cake Cutting!
I totally love my pink cake.

Sabrina's cake.

Jessica is late late late! haha. she got lost while trying to find the hotel.

Nadnut's expression here is totally cute!

This photo is damn funny! Hahaha.

fidelis got a little too tipsy and became very high!

Im not sure what exactly happened after cake cutting, cos i wasn't very sober either! Thanks to fiona for bringing me home safely :)
If you are interested in getting the kimono dress im wearing, email to the-ice-angel@hotmail.com. Thanks!
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