How was your halloween?? What did you dress up as??
Heh, this year was the first time i actually celebrated halloween. Because it seem that for the past few years, i didn't even know when was halloween and most of my friends weren't enthu enough for the hype.
But this year. everyone was so excited about halloween! Afew days before the event, everyone was deciding which club to go to. So fun!
Met up with Jessica before the party to have dinner. I couldn't eat much because my costume is tummy revealing. My tummy always bulge after dinner so i was careful to choose light food. However, i got more hungry and ate more than i intended to in the end. Boo.

Jessica walked around orchard road with her school girl costume! Im not brave enough to wear my corset around orchard road though. Changed into it just before taking a cab down to Zouk.

I dont know what my costume represents.
I only know i fell in love with it the moment i set my eye on it in the costume shop. It's a bronzy gold piece of corset and hot pants. $70! Paired it with 3 pieces of chunky gold bangles and my lovely new gladiator gold wedges. Had actually wanted to do up some blonde entensions to pair up with the gold look, but didn't in the end~ Im so bored of my dark coloured hair =/

The queue at zouk was super long! I was burning hot inside because of the material of my corset! Grr. Fidelis came by after some time with her boyfriend and friends. Fidelis helped leon stick on that very cool looking open zipper! Omg. The very chio angmoh girls infront of us in the queue started talking to him immediately upon arrival. hahaha. Lucky boy.

Makeup soaked up by the heat.

Me with my babes :D See, im blowing a lovekiss for them. LOL.

I felt that i was looking at babes more than hunks that night! So many pretty girls around. Haha. But i felt that the guys have much more interesting outfits than girls (there was a taoist priest, mas selamat, vampires, etc!). There were repeated costumes all around. Nurses & Devils were among the common ones that night. I had wanted to wear a nurse costume, thank goodness i didn't.
Grace and Pris came along after some time! Grace looked chio in her sexy nurse costume and Pris in her clown look.
Jessica's costume fits right into her nick of "underage girl". haha. I told fidelis i should have been an ice-angel - Angel costume with white face, white eyeliner, white lips, white hair. Definitely look scary!
I feel that halloween was more like a costume party instead. But still, i love being able to wear and see all sorts of outfit once in awhile!

Escaped from the overcrowded zouk and went down to Clarkequay instead. Fidelis and jessica left for home there cos fidelis wasn't feeling well.

This group of people are damn fun! All dressed up in vampire suits.

From there, the rest of us took a cab to Butterfactory.
Queue was quite long at Butterfactory too! Luckily, lovely winnie pulled me in with her friend's friend's guestlist. If not, i dont think i would be able to get in that fast even with the piority queue. Too bad winnie have only one slot left and couldn't let Grace in as well.
Winnie was a sailor! But the costume doesn't really look like sailor though. Amanda's one was more sailor-like!

The thing that ruined the night was my contact lens. My eyes got infected that every night, unfortunately. It's still red and painful now :(
I should really learn to not be lazy and wash my lens properly.
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