Friday, February 1, 2008

Teacher gave us these glow sticks, and he used the remaining ones and made it into a flower!
im super happy because today is the last day of school.
but i also dread what is coming after 10 weeks of holidays, which is a new term! That means i have to start all over again, make new friends, know new classmates, and goodness knows whether im suay enough to enter into a class with ice-angel haters.

If you are one of the ice-angel haters that suayly got into the same class with me in year2, please shed off your iceangel impression you've got of me and treat me as a new girl you know ok? A normal teenager, Esther :) I would appreciate that..Thankyou!

Anyway, enough of nonsense!
Have you guys watched 27 dresses? Well, i watched it with boyfriend today! I wouldn't say that it's a very nice movie to watch, because there dont seem to have any climax, no touching parts enough to make me cry, no extremely hilarous parts to make me laugh out loud, and not very exciting nor romantic...

With boyfriend...

On the way home...

Yesterday before meeting jessica.

Found this from Kanny's blog!
You remember the sucide bombing aeroplanes afew years ago? One of the plane's number was Q33N. If you take the number, paste it into microsoft word, change fontsize to 72, and change the font to wingdings, you will see something which is
one aeroplane, two buildings, death.

On a lighter note, i suddenly told boyfriend to hold our wedding on the 1st of march, year 2014. Know why? Because when you write the date, it will be:

Joining together, it's 1314, which means FOREVER~~
hahaha. i dont believe in forever love.

have been thinking about this question for quite some time. Would you people prefer to have a year full of ups and downs, or a year that is peaceful, routined, boring and no unpredictable things at all?

I dont know which one i'll choose....

I dont bother to makeup much in school and when im out with boyfriend. Because i know boyfriend doesn't care about how i look like :) He has even seen me without makeup.
Eyebags are getting worse. Guess i should jump onto my bed now. Goodnight hunks and babes! ^^ (but i guess most of you are reading this post in the next morning or afternoon.)

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