(yeap, it's the same old name decoder!)
A: Loved by everyone
B: Likes to talk.
C: Really likes to chill.
D: Has one of the best personalities ever.
E: Good Kisser
F: People hate you.
G: Never let people tell you what to do.
H: Has a very good personality and looks.
I: Is always there for friends
J: Lives life for fun.
K: Really silly.
L: admired by everyone
M: makes dating fun
N: Dead sexy
O: Best in relationships
P: Popular with all types of people
Q: A hypocrite.
R: Freakin crazy
S: Easy to fall in love with.
T: a sweet heart.
U: Really wild and crazy.
V: Not judgemental.
W: Very broad minded.
X: Never let people tell you what to do
Y: One of the horrid bf/gf anyone could ask for.
Z: Always ready
i'm Esther, so i am:
Double good kisser (since i have two "E"s), easy to fall in love with, has a very good personality and looks, and freaking crazy.
haha. Quite fun reading compliments. Let's try Ice Angel, since more people know me by the name of Ice Angel instead of Esther.
Ice Angel =
Is always there for friends, really likes to chill, double good kisser again (double "E"s), loved by everyone, dead sexy, never lets people tell me what to do, and admired by everyone.
Err. "Ice-Angel" has alot of contradicting points. Inaccurate!!
There was supposed to be a gathering yesterday evening with Angelina, Fiona, Christabel and SuJun, but i couldn't make it. It was daddy's birthday and i didn't have spare money for shopping anyway. haha. Awww. I do miss hanging out with them doing the crazy things we know we would do. It has been afew months already since i last went out with Christabel and Sujun. ( i see angelina and fiona everyday. haha.)
Daddy's Birthday. Bought a watch for him. The watch costs $60~!! Not counted as an expensive watch, but it's expensive enough to burn a hole in my wallet. Haha. He loves it alot.
Took many photos with daddy and family. Without makeup though. I shall decide whether i want to upload them after daddy transfer them from the digicam into the computer. hehs.
here's a photo of me. and the two fingers of Nicholas.
Haven't been taking photos of myself much this few days. Too tired about school work! See my eyebags? They are increasing in surface area.
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