Scorching sun that morning. Felt damn thirsty after we done our stuffs then went over to the canteen so have some desserts. So cheap sia, $1.20. Haha.

In the cab.

After that was a MSI laptop event at Vivo's serenity spanish bar and restaurant.

Amy and Joanna was working there! See amy so happy to see me. Lol.

Presentation of the MSI new slim laptop. Fashion + Function laptop. Who says you can't have the best of both worlds?

Slim, and functionable. there are 2 usb ports.

Then they had this little demo of how heavy the laptop is. It's lighter than a small watermelon, bottle of mineral water, and magazine.
It's only 1.3kg!

Food time!



Alton, Andy.
Actually i already know Alton like damn long ago, when i was doing advertorial for Music Story. Got chat all that but that time at the nuffnang event i didn't even notice him! Lol. i thought it's just "one of the friends" that andy brought. Then after went back home he come and scold me. LOL. this time dont dare to "never notice" already.


Andy and Alton.



Alton. The way he talk super similar to benjamin. Lol.

Alright, abrupt ending!
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