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HOLLYHOQUE has updated again!
Diamond Front Matt Satin Collared Top
Exclusively manufactured by Hollyhoque
It also comes in purple!
Mango Inspired Lace Corset Tube
Support their new collection :)
Before the open event, afew of us bloggers were invited to the cocktail launch of the SRF.
Cabbing down from school. Was very rushy for me cos i had to go down to orchard to pass SX my laptop first before heading to clarkequay. Huiwen/Ming said that the transport will leave immediately on the dot and i was so jing zhang that i wouldn't reach in time! In the end i think i was the first to arrive lor! QWERTYUIOP.

We were supposed to meet up at the new ParkHotel at clarkequay. While waiting, Kenny randomly snatched my cam away and shot this act cute picture. haha.

A little bus then came to pick us up and dropped off at the Asian Civilisation Museum. It's easy to get to this place if you alight at raffles mrt station.

I think that i've seen this picture somewhere before but couldn't remember where.

i can wear one side as a tube dress lor.

I feel so stupid you know, i wanted to take this "turn left" picture but i used flash....

And it turned out like this -.- Cos the picture was made out using shadows so if i use flash, the shadow wont be there!

We then proceed to the field where there are little picnic mats for us!

Nadia's saviour cute fan.

Kenny and Pinkpau.

Clear blue sky!

Performance starts!

People splashing water.


People on water.

After that we joined the other bloggers for the boat ride! Joined alton and andy's train instead of the next one which the initial bloggers were in. Heh.
I totally LOVE the boat ride. it feels so good to travel on water and feel the breeze blowing against your face.

it was damn funny when we took this picture cos andy seem to be resting his hand on the infront person's shoulder to stable this shot! Me and alton were laughing like mad.

Went to join the others standing at the edge. This is so much more fun than sitting down!
With angie.

After the boat ride was the pyjamas party at THE ARENA!!!

With estee.

Valerie! I love her makeup that day. Makes her look so different.

Fidelis finally came and she changed into this little pink cute pyjamas!

Matchy matchy with leon! Sweet~!!

Kenny came out of the washroom as a lady!!

Pink nightie. Haha.

Dragged off to the dancefloor by valerie. haha.

SX came to pick me up and hungry us went for suppppppper!

wahaha my favourite. STINGRAY!!



Dress worn on SRF available at 3rd collection of URBANSTREET.livejournal.com
Oh ya anyone knows where i can get non-plumping nude lipgloss? my lips are so dry and chap but i dont want to use those usual lip gloss that usually bloats up my lips.
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