Don't they look lovely? Florals and polka dots on alternate fingers.

I was telling the manicurist that I want a nail color that can last longer because I do not think I would be free to go back to the salon any time soon. Was about to do glitter (it is usually more durable than normal color) but I had an idea to do nail art on light pink base after seeing the pattern on the manicurist's own nails. This way, I get to have pretty nails, yet even if they chip, it is not obvious because the base color is almost the same as my natural nail color. You all can do this too if you need your nails to last longer than usual! Of course, get Gelish. You know since the time I 'converted' from normal nail polish to gelish, I almost never ever do normal nail polish anymore. Why? Besides from the main point that it lasts longer, it takes only 3 minutes to dry under UV light.

Milly's have a wide range of colors to choose from, I always decide very long!

Recently Milly's brought in this Gelish nail strengthener. Now you can harden your weak nails even when you do Gelish!

Make an appointment with them before heading down!
Bugis Street Level 2 - 63384137 (I usually get my nails done with Tina or Yen. If you are doing special, complicated gel extension designs, I heard Gina is very sought after. The rest are equally good too actually, but I don't remember their names haha. If you are going for fast, ask for Tina.)
Far East Plaza - 67376723 (Here, I get Chloe to do my nails. Everyone at the Far East branch is chirpy and friendly.)
Your nails look so pretty. Great idea with the base color Hanna