This cruise trip was sponsored by one of my clients and I only got confirmation about it 2 weeks before I was set to go! Was so excited when my leave application was approved ^^
Mum was going with me on the cruise, so Dad accompanied us to Harbourfront Centre in the morning to see us off. He was so jealous that he could not go with us!
We had dimsum at Vivocity before checking in.

The package happened to be Romance theme as Valentines day falls on the 3rd day of the trip -_- I knew about it beforehand but didn't mind it - until a few days before the trip, my relationship crashed and made me dread the sight of lovey dovey couples on board. Get out of my sight!!!!

My aiming is actually very good. See, my face is right in the middle. The problem is Dad. He's too tall for my camera. Not my fault. :D

First view of the ship!!! & I was going to face the seas for the next 4 days. Felt so blissful to be away from the unhappiness in Singapore!

The ship was docked opposite Resorts World Sentosa. Nice view!

Love this photo!

Can't resist and took another scenery picture! You will be seeing a lot of sea view on my blog for the next few days haha.

Went upstairs to explore the ship! It was not as big as I thought it would be though. Probably because I had very high expectations after reading on the net that Superstar Virgo is VERY BIG. Okay lah, not bad lah, can store 1800 pax! (**edited: LOL, Dad noticed that I wrote "store" and corrected me. Sorry ah, should be "accommodate"... haha aiyah I wasn't paying attention mah!)

Our cabin! Sad that we did not have balcony cabins (peeked into one of them, very pretty!!!). As our package was Romance themed, our cabins were also decorated accordingly.

Alcohol and chocolates~~

There was a welcome flashmob at the main arena! Certainly a great start to the trip. I love the "holiday spirit" on board.

Ship is finally moving!!

Did not know that there's such a beautiful corner in Singapore. Saw lots of pretty mansions at the sea bay.Probably where all the rich people live.

Goodbye Singapore! Went up to the pool area, which is my favorite part of the ship. Don't you think the design is gorgeous?

Another welcome party!

Went for our first meal on the ship. Afternoon tea!

After 1 hour of the ship's departure, casino finally started! Learnt that they only operate in international waters. My first time into a casino, and my first time experiencing what it's like to be sitting at table games. The slots are so addictive. They actually sound a bit like arcades :p

We had dinner at the Pavilion, which was the free restaurant for Chinese food. We dined there quite a few times throughout the cruise trip. There is a menu for every day and they will serve everything to you with the portions according to the number of pax you have. You can order a particular dish twice if you like it.... we didn't dare to do it the first time but we did it on subsequent visits after seeing a lone customer on the next table ordering extra portions.
Double Boiled Chicken with Fresh Corn and Chinese Herbs. The soup is fantastic! What I love about Pavilion is that they have soup and fish everyday. My fave ^_^

Sauteed Seasonal Vegetable
Fried Fish with Assam Sauce
Barbecued Pork Char Siew

Chilled Jelly Fish with Mango and Squid Abalone

Deep Fried Beancurd

Sweetened Ginger Tea with Glutinous Dumpling. After the sumptuous dinner, the portion for dessert seemed... small. ONE ball only. Lol.

Went to watch a Russian Acrobatics show. I realize that there was very few choices of entertainment to choose from. Mum said that it was because it is low-season period. Thus not many shows scheduled. Nevertheless, I kinda enjoyed the show.

It was supper time!

The floral dress I wore for this day is from Coccomomo. I love the bouncy feel at the hem of the dress. Check it out at!

We bought this picture that we took before boarding the cruise for remembrance.

I have not sort out 2nd day's photos. Will update soon!
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