Saturday, February 4, 2012

Brownie & Panda

A few days after getting those guinea pigs, I went on a shopping spree not for myself, but for them!

I read that they like having covered areas to feel secure in, so I decided to get this plastic thingy for them.

At first I only got the rectangular one on top but I felt it was too boring so I eventually got another cube to connect to it, so that it becomes a 'L' shape.

Checkout Brownie in it! :D

Panda loves it too ^^

I also DIY-ed some stuffs for them using the cardboard paper I got from a random stationary shop. Staircase for them to climb on, stabled by ice cream sticks.

I joined 3 of the boxes to make this tunnel. You can make it with your shoe boxes too. I created the hole in the middle so that we can peep in to check on the guinea pigs. Brownie crept in and looked out from that hole! Lol. So cute.

They really loved this cupboard tunnel so I felt that my effort was worth it! It took me so long to join the boxes together. However, SX threw away this tunnel after barely a week because they shitted so much on it.

Hello Cutie~~

I also attempted to make a bed for each of them. Haha! Unfortunately, they only go in sometimes to sleep. Not every time.

Pillows and Mat and Blankets! Haha just for show lah, they didn't really use it like real babies. :(

Used fleece towels to create the above.

This one below was the stuffing for the pillows.

I tried to find the grid cages everywhere but to no avail. Read in forums that it is available in Daiso but I can't find it at all. In the end we used BBQ grills. Of course, we used slightly higher quality, smoother and thicker one. Joined them together with cable ties and then did the corrugated board enclosure according to how it was done in guides available online. Supposed to put fleece towels as the bedding but I forgot to bring to his house. He eventually used the paper bits type.

This was the initial layout but now different already. Spot Panda in his wooden tunnel!

Also bought these mineral chews for them.

Will blog about the food next time!

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