Today had been a difficult day.
Just wanna sleep and dont care about anything.
With a blink of an eye,
it's our month anniversary again. This time it's the 8th!!
It might not mean much to you,
it might not mean much to others,
but you're the longest relationship i ever had. And that's maybe the reason why im still holding on.
I dont have what you are looking for and you are not what im looking for.
That's why sometimes i think we'll never last.
You want a sweet, gentle, good-tempered, virtue girlfriend who doesn't waste money on cabfares and shopping. But im bad tempered, clumsy, and demanding. I hate feeling restricted thats why i would always get angry with you when you dont allow me to spend my money on shopping.
I want a romantic, exciting, sweetalker boyfriend who piorities me over anything else. But you are too realistic, selfish and never willing to sacrifice yourself for your gf. Everything is all about YOU before anything else. The only time you ever try to be romantic and treat me right is only when i cant take it anymore and throw my temper at you.
Does that mean in order for us to have a happy relationship, i would have to keep throwing tempers? You say im like a dragon, so fierce. But have you thought why? Because everytime im nice and sweet, you take everything for granted and neglect me.
Someone said this about me before:
"She is someone who needs care and attention CONSTANTLY."
Yes. I need care and attention from you constantly.
People ask me to cherish you.
But did you? All i know is that i've been neglected time and time again.
Everyone is saying how good a boyfriend you are. It's only because i always choose to say how good you are instead of how unimportant i feel. I wanted to protect you because i dont want my friends to think that you are a bad guy. I dont want them to dislike you.
Do you know that i feel so much care and love from other men than you?
Whenever i tell you i need help, all you know how to say is "haha, kiss dear". Is that going to help? When i ask for your help, i want help, and not meaningless sms. You didn't even care enough to write something else instead of the same old words.
Every other guy can put down everything just to be with me when i need someone, but where were you? Giving excuses about having to sleeping early at 9.30pm or something. Can't you sleep 2 hours late just ONCE for your gf?
Then when i start getting too close with any particular guy, you start to get paranoid. You see what i mean? You would only treasure me when i step one foot out of this relationship. You never bothered to hold me tight all the while i was in two feets in.
Darling, do you know how hard it was for me to restraint myself from jumping into another relationship and leaving you behind?
Do you know how i feel that other guys love me more than you did? Do you know the ones making me happy is always them and not you? Where are you when i needed you?
It's the 8th month.
I hope we can last another 8 months.
boyfriend and i went to mos burger that day and i just want to say i love many many milk inside my mos-tea!

Random. Haha!
I've coloured eyes now!
(stupid chubby cheeks. im gonna go buy those face slimming creams!)

This shop:
sponsored me two pairs of coloured lenses!

I've always thought that i'll never get to wear coloured lenses because my optician told me that i canot wear colour lenses because they dont come with astigmatism and i have a high degree of astigmatism.

But then hor, this shop gave me a pair of brown and a pair of blue (coming soon later on!) contact lens, and it works perfectly fine for me! in fact, im wearing it now and it's uber comfortable!

I love coloured eyes.
I think it looks nicer than my ordinary black normal eyes.

if you want to get contact lens online, and is looking for a reliable seller, do check out:
Be a beautiful girl!
Wait to see the other pair! Guess what colour i chose? =)
I need to redye my hair! Black hair is growing out and it looks bad. What colour should i dye? Im stuck between 2 very different colours!

And hairstyle? I want hair extensions! Any shops/blogshops wants to sponsor hair extensions for me in exchange for advertorials? :D:D
**trying my luck. hahaha.
Maybe this kind of spiral curls? (but friends say this kind of hairstyle must every morning curl de. troublesome leh. Somemore im those kind always oversleep and rush late one sia)

Or rebonded long hair?
Or beachy long waves?

Or this?

Or straight but abit curls??

Or loose long curls? (my favourite!)

** I dont know if the colour you see is the same as in my screen anot :(
*** Read something just now and i finally realised how fortunate i am that boyfriend is here with me... Shan't elaborate much.
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