Look at how obvious my eyebags are :(

im suffering from headache, sleepiness, flu, and sorethroat. what a
'great' present Santa Claus gave me.. haha. well, i had actually wanted to blog yesterday because i ended work earlier than usual, but the computer was too lag and i gave up. One of the adult colleague was having a wedding that night, and so the other adult colleagues were actually too engaged in the partymood to work. For almost half the afternoon, they were trying make-up, taking photos, asking if their hair is nice, and applying nail-polish on each other's fingernails. They sounded like students going for prom night. haha. it's a chance to be lazy, so we student-staffs also mingled with them and in the end almost everyone in the office wasn't working. hahaha. by 4pm, the adults decided to end work. yay! 5 hours earlier than the official end work time! =D
Of course i didn't went home immediately. Me and some friends went to shop around orchard road for christmas presents, and i donated for charity. not once, but twice! haha.
im a kind soul. wahahaha. And for the people asking for a photo of my office, here's one! My office table :)

Err. this photo of my Cavana lunch many many days ago didn't seems very revelant to this post? nevermind la. haha. Nice! but i dont like the rice. too much already.

Oh ya, on the first day of work, i found this note attached to a $2 note in my wallet. My sister la. I think santa claus should send her big pack of Sweets for this christmas.

It has been long since i camwhored though. too sleepy everyday. haha. here's one photo without spects:

and one with spects.

Everyone has been asking me to wear contact lenses nowsaday. Cannot la! i think it's frightening to put something into your eyeball, and i think it's even more frightening to take something off your eyeball every night. ewww. i rather not live with the stress of wearing and taking contacts off.. hmm. i do want coloured-eyeballs though.
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