Brought them to Cad Cafe located at Haji Lane. Previously I had brunch there and enjoyed the food. This time was no different! :)

Picture while waiting for our food!

The girls ordered this huge Cajun Prawn Baguette!

The last time I ate their Cad Florentine. This time, I tried their Scrambled Eggs and Toast! Can't believe that such a simple dish can be so nice! It was a very yummy breakfast!

Photo beside this cutesy shop door. My dress is from! :) Quote 365DAYS for $3.65 off, till end of this month only!

Afterwards, we went our own way and since The Pod is so near Bugis Essensuals, I went there for a much needed hair treatment session! Not sure if I have mentioned this before, but I'm trying to change my fringe style! I have been keeping bangs for quite some years already and to be honest it's starting to be a lot boring although I feel that it's probably the only style that fits my face! Haha. It's now in the midst of a very awkward length but I'm excited to see how I will look when it's long! I totally trust that my stylist Wayne will give me a good trim!
Usually I leave the salon with pretty shiny straight hair but this time I asked Wayne to help me curl my hair for a different look! Here's me and my temporary curls! :)

Bugis Essensuals is currently running the following promotion this month:

241A Victoria Street Bugis Village Singapore 188030
Call 6333 0039 for appointment.
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