Im so sleepy!
My eye got infected again. Guess i havent been taking care of my contact lens properly. Hee, usually after i take out my lens, i would just put them into the solution to soak without spraying and rubbing it beforehand. I've really got to be less lazy! I dont wanna be blind.
Oh, and my handphone also went haywired overnight. Last night it was working perfectly fine but today my phone kept switching off on its own and im not able to switch it on unless i take out the battery and put it back again. Maybe gonna send it for repair, or just choose one of the phones at home that LG had sponsored in the past.. Daddy's using one of the phones that LG sponsored and Sister's using the phone that Samsung gave. Again, one of the great benefits of being a blogger :) My parents would be the last in the world to object me from blogging despite the tremendous pressure from critics, because i would always give them some of the sponsored things that i got from blogging. Haha.
Okay, massive photos up ahead!
Dyed hair, but hair wasn't cut yet.

Met up with Fidelis for shopping and to do hair!
Was super hungry and went for lunch at this Korean Restaurant in FarEast. The price wasn't expensive but the food was blah.

I like the environment.

My pretty babe Fidelis!

After that, we went to her salon to do my hair! Her stylist Raymond commented that my hair was too flat and thin, so he went to chop off the bottom long strands of my hair and made it quite short. He also changed my parting so that my hair looks thicker. I love the fringe he did for me!
Clover Hair Salon

Short hair!

After i cut my hair, i went off to do hair extensions! LOL. arthur said im Siao, where got people go cut hair den immediately make long hair. hahaha.
Met up with jessica at Milly's shop.
Milly's my uncle's friend! Hahaha. That's why i got a discount :) Lalala.
Fidelis so kelian! She accompanied me the whole afternoon just to see my hair transform. Must be quite boring! Haha, she went to another shop to do her nails halfway through because she cannot tahan the boringness already.

This is milly. Nice friendly shopowner :)

Isaac came!

The longest hair reaches my butt at the back!
Jessica, Me, and my patchy makeup :(
I never seems to do it right.

Jessica's favourite Gelare.

More camwhoring!

Without flash, without any editing. Resize only. See how different i look with and without flash! I think in real life i look closer to how i look without flash.

Okay, that's all! Everything done at Far east :)
My extensions are $1.50 per strand.
I did braiding method, so that i wont have extra things on my hair.
I can still comb my hair, but not the inner ones.
The clover salon is $38 for haircut. Not expensive at all!
*more questions will be answered here*
I think i look super different now!
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