[ Sacster is Isaac's twin brother ]
Esther: want go out?
Sacster: okay. but i need to bathe first. Ask lester come along also. Want go where?
Esther: eh... Dont know eh. wait. i go see the Singapore tourism board website first. hee.
[ Singapore tourism board only has attractions like zoo, birdpark, art museums, botanic gardens -.- ]
Esther: Nevermind lah. we go out then think of where to go. im hungry!
Sacster: Haha. Okay okay. Meet at 2pm.
At 2.15, Esther called Sacster again.
"Eh, i'll be late!"
Sacster replied:
"Me too!"
At 3pm, they FINALLY met up for lunch. Filled stomach with yummy Macdonalds, and start deciding where to go.
Sacster: Want go Orchard?
Esther: Only can window shopping! im broke already.
Sacster: Or want go vivo?
Esther: But we that day just went there only leh!
Lester: Eh, go the walk around the water, then can make wish one.
Esther: Suntec lah! haha.
Lester: Ya ya, Suntec.
Sacster: So how?? Go vivo, orchard or suntec?
Esther: We oh-ya-peh-ya-som lah. If i win, go vivo. If Sacster win, go orchard. If Lester win, go Suntec.
*oh-ya-peh-ya-som in the middle of the mrt station*
*esther won*
Sacster: huh... really want go vivo ah... Dont want lah~~
Esther: I dont want go orchard can already!
Sacster: I dont want go Suntec.
Lester: I dont want go Vivo.
Esther, Sacster, Lester: LOL!!!

We ended up in Orchard, and slacked abit at the lanshop in Cineleisure. Aaahh!! Everyone has watched "Secret" already all except me!! :(
Sacster has a strong butt, because he could make a chair turn from this.....

To this! Haha. It was so funny when he fell down =x

I realised that i have not taken self potraits for a long time already.

Yeap! I squeezed the width of this photo because my face is so damn wide. Grr.

Okay lah. I was lying all along. Sacster is not isaac's twin borther. He's just.... Isaac. We gave him that Sacster name so that all our names would rhyme together! Lester, Esther, Sacster!

Off we head to the Scape Youth Park!

The skating place! Cool luh!

I tried standing on the skateboard but i was too afraid of falling.

Isaac's Classic Pose.

Lester and Me. My hair look like short hair here. Haha.

Accidental Shot.

Cool pose right! lol. All thanks to me, the great photographer. Haha.

We tried persuading Lester to skate abit, but he shy! hahahaha. In the end i took his skateboard far far away to the skating ground, so that he has to walk there to play it :)

Video of him trying some moves.
Lester and Esther!

I love this mirror because it makes me thin!! YAY.
Went over to the Scape Youth Centre to get some aircon.

The place is nice. I love the sofa because it's so comfortable. Hee. I was sitting there, but i had to stand up to take this photo. Nobody else was there except for some people working there. One of the workers is super cute lah!!! We love her. hahaha.

we name it: "Torn Friendship"..

I dont look good when im not smiling. haha.

Solo Act-cool-ism. I hate my big hips.

We'll look so much better if i had smaller thighs.

We headed outside again after we finished relaxing in the aircon!

Isaac says my stupid head spoilted this nice shot.

Me the great photographer!

Isaac tries to stop a bus.

And i tried to carry the bus up.

NICE HOR??! hahaha. Back to Back.

Isaac has a friend.

That's the three of us.

What shall we do now?

Lester says: Hi Esther.

Esther at the other end: Hi Lester.

kinda cool taking a photo with a motorbike, against a wall of graffiti. Yoohoo.

Leaving YouthPark! We love it there. Haha.

Had a drink nearby.

Time to go home, kids.

Today's first day of my school holidays.
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