These photos were taken just awhile after my wisdom tooth surgery so the smile looked unnatural! After a week cooped up at home, that was a day I finally dressed up and went out! Felt so refreshed!
Wore a casual floral dress from Femmex, and paired other greens and pinks to match the colors of the prints. The bag, previously featured, was really matchy with this outfit! I fell in love with the pink bag upon laying my eyes on it in the Femmex store (Cineleisure Orchard). It is extremely pretty and versatile! Another item from Femmex was the pink earrings!
Anyway, while taking this series of photos, bf also tried to take some with different angles unlike my usual ones and told me I must use it this time (In the end I didn't include in this post also haha). He lamented that he always take so many nice photos for me but I always use only 1-2 shots, mostly frontal and boring. Reason is, although his photos always look good overall, my face is never nice from most angles, especially the side! Hopefully braces can fix this issue and next time I can easily take pretty photos from any angle and not waste his effort!
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