Don't judge me, I took these OOTDs for Instagram.... But I realize they are quite lame for a blog post. haha.

Outfit to attend Anton's wedding with bf!

Saved this pair of pants for casual day out to town! Went for dental appointment and had lunch with mum!

Lets throwback to Dec 2016~
It has been awhile since we went cafe-hopping! We used to visit cafes frequently during our weekend dates but nowadays we just keep going back to the same few favourite ones.
We visited Curious Palette in December last year because I was craving for some cafe food.

Kinda liking this dress from Bless'ed! My face was still very round then, thankfully I managed to slim down abit more before the wedding!
Christmas dinner at home with S and my family.

Got tickets to attend Rock On Countdown Concert on New Year's Eve.

The main highlights were supposedly the western acts but I was looking forward to the mandopop singers instead. Enjoyed Rainie Yang's set very much~ all the familiar songs!

8 minutes of fireworks. What a way to start 2017!

New Year Day shopping at Orchard with the family.

Reunion dinner at Grandpa's house with everybody. Home-cook food is the best.

And it was on that day I took my favourite selfie ever.

As we had our official reunion dinner early, we had another mini one on Lunar New Year's eve again.

CNY Day 1! Wore a casual midi dress as there'd be alot of extended-time-sitting-on-sofa involved and I wanna be comfy. Haha.

CNY Day 2 I went over to the bf's (now husband hehehe) place as usual~ Love this outfit combi very much!

CNY Day 3
Lunch with grandparents before going over to my uncle's place!

Highlight were definitely the huge abalones he sliced for the steamboat!

Another off-shoulder outfit. I love this skirt so much that I got it in 4 colours. Haha.

CNY is the perfect excuse for Mahjong! Steve got his friends to come over for a session and we had it on two weekends in a row before we got busy for our wedding. Now that everything's settled, we need to arrange another session again!
My luck was horrible that day though! It was the first time I didn't win any game at all before we call it a night!

Gathering at Jacelyn's house for CNY too!

It was lovely to gather with my girls again.

So much yummy food!

Got my hair freshen with treatment before the wedding! Boost up your vibes by adding colors to your hair! New monthly promotion at Zeal Salon: Colour + Treatment at $128 ONLY. Book appointment via Instagram DM (www.instagram.com/zealsalon) or ring 63330337.

On another day after hair treatment, I got my stylist Wendy to tie it up in a pony tail for a different look! Quite refreshing from the usual messy hair!

Oh yes, and Maisarah's wedding! Both me and Fiona were her bridesmaids, just like how she was for ours too.

We were all so wowed by the headgear.

With Elaine!

Ordered this book the moment it launched!! Haven't got time to slowly read though. I didn't bring it along when I moved in with Steve. Gotta go take it from my house one of these days.

Finally went to try this dessert! Quite fun but not something I would go back to buy regularly. It is no different from cold cereal.

Was craving for duck confit so I went to have the lunch set at Saveur by myself while running errands! No picture of the confit though, the pasta photo was nicer. Haha.

On one of our weekend dates, S brought me for buffet at Carousel! Food variety is okay but it was crowded and noisy on the day we went.

Mookata with Fiona and Ruoxuan! They are like my only mookata kakis because most of my friends don't like it as it's quite oily and unhealthy. But very yummy okay!

Back at my favourite Bak Kut Teh place!

And my favourite dimsum place (126!)

More random food pics!

Recently kept craving for Tong Shian Congee at Chinatown! The frog legs and beancurd are perfect.

Found a super awesome lunch deal with my colleagues. Lunch hour order main dish got free side/ dessert. The original price of the ice cream is the price of my main!

Brought mum out to have Chong Qing Grilled Fish. Seriously, why are all my favourite food so unhealthy! Wanna keep eating them but feel so sinful.

Met with Nad for our fave sashimi bowl!

For our Valentines date this year, we had a simple dinner at a Italian restaurant after work!

Those who frequently line with me will know who these two adorable characters are --- done at my trusty nail & lash salon Millys. Sms 83835395 for appointment!

Met up with Fidelis for lunch near my workplace! We had these yummy ramen.... I stopped ramen for a long time because of my low-carb diet before the wedding. Gonna have as many ramen as I want now!

So happy I managed to get my hands on these pretty floral angpow packets from Singaporebrides!

Wingstop with the colleagues.

Another yummy Korean lunch session with my colleagues. I think sometimes we over-pamper ourselves... Make up excuses like... oh it's Monday we should go eat good food. Then on Wednesdays we say oh we should motivate ourselves for mid-week and on Friday, we say TGIF eat whatever we want. And the rest of the days? There'd be someone saying "we need the fuel for the meeting later" and everybody will be "yes lets go eat good food" Lol. This is why I'm so poor.

Prada bracelet from Milly! It's so pretty!

Zichar session with Steve's friends again because I wanna eat crab!

We did this just one week before our wedding. We really shouldn't be stuffing ourselves so close to our big day right? I felt so guilty the next day that I told myself I'm going to eat only veggies/salad till the wedding but guess what... my diet only lasted two days? Lol.

Wedding gift from my Sister! I wanted to put "Steve & Esther Wedding" but couldn't because there are only 4 Es and just our names alone we finished all the Es!

Follow me on Instagram for more random uploads :)
Hi Esther, the zhichar looks yummy. May i know where is it? Thanks in advance :)