Just google images for "braces with rubber band" to have a clearer picture of how the bands are tied together. See the two hooks at the edges? The band stretches from there to another two hooks at my bottom row of teeth.

I would say that so far my braces journey went better than expected, and the monthly tightening have started to not be so painful anymore.
But hor, this new rubber bands are quite painful during the first few days! Like how it felt when I just started having braces on!
Filling things to eat when tooth hurts: Yogurt or ice cream or laobao beancurd or mashed potatoes. (I personally don't recommend porridge because it's abit too liquid and tend to drop inside the extraction gaps.) I need my solids so I usually eat rice or glutinous rice! Small pieces of minced meat are good too. I just swallow them without biting. Haha.
I am very satisfied at how much my face shape sharpened and improved! Can't wait for my final braces session!
Am really glad I got my braces done by a qualified orthodontist! Nothing to worry about, plus the service at TLC Dental Centre is really awesome - appointment reminders and warm welcome everytime I visit.
Read about my braces journey here: http://www.estherxie.com/p/braces.html
9 Penang Road #07-27
Park Mall
Singapore 238459
Phone: (65) 6338 6639
Website: http://www.tlcdental.com.sg/aesthetic-braces/
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