Monday, October 29, 2012


I've always wanted to visit Antoinette because I've seen pretty photos of their decor online but never had the chance to be nearby whenever it's time for dinner. Jayden was so nice to bring me here for my birthday dinner treat!

He had seafood pasta, which looks and smells so good! I definitely have to go back there again one day to try it.

I had a chicken main, and as I look at the picture now, I'm craving for it again! The meat was so tasty, the roasted skin was great and the mash was awesome. I want to eat it again! It's like... P-E-R-F-E-C-T.

We shared desserts. Cake and macaron. He wanted to let me try the signature cake but it was not available. Nevermind, these two were nice too!

Photo outside after dinner. I left my paper bag behind and Bf was so sweet to head down early the next day to claim it back for me though I only asked him to help me call to check ^_^

Outfit of the day: Chiffon top from MissQueenie! They have many similar tops that are great for casual day out. Do check them out!

Spent some time taking photos with Jayden but all the photos fail :( Nevermind, next time!

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