Xiaoting asked me to go for a casting last week and although the pay was considered low, i went because im so broke. (yes, it has been a long time since i was this broke. My wallet didn't even have 10 cents for 3 days! pathetic hor. )
Brought claire along for the casting. There, they said there were 3 positions. I dont really remember what the exact jobscope was, but i only remembered that 2 of the positions are showgirl positions, while the last position was to slot something onto people's cars at the carparks. Of course all the models casted for the other two positions.
I left the casting early because a friend was waiting for me downstairs, and so i thought i wouldn't get any position. But in the end, i got a call and i realised that they just randomly picked the girls from the forms submitted for the 3rd position. (the other 2 positions were selected based on the model's ability to talk well and engage the audience i think.)
And then i realised, although our overall pay were lower than the other 2 showgirl/host positions, we had lesser working hours and after dividing, we are paid more per hour! Heh. But then their job are easier luh, our one is more like labourer lor! We had to paste windscreen protectors on the cars at the carpark. Under the sun. We were wondering why they even need showgirls to do the job. Just get random male workers to do it luh! Haha.

1st day was easy. Although it was a warm day and the first 30 mins was terrible, the rest of the day was relaxing and fun. It's lucky our in-charge wasn't those super strict kind. In fact, he was quite jokey! The chicken rice was great.
My face was swelled up that day as well. Didn't had a good night sleep the night before.

The only washroom was far away and we couldn't find it and so we hopped on to a random lorry to drive us there!

2nd day was better. This time we changed carpark to Expo. So much better! Got aircon and washroom :) We worked harder for this day because there were so much more cars.

Lunchtime, the four of us had Macau Express. It was only the 2nd day since we met but we clicked so well!

After the event ended, roxanne had to rush off somewhere. Angel, gillian and i made our way to orchard and had din tai fung after some aimless and fruitless shopping. I LOVE DIN TAI FUNG'S DRUNKEN CHICKEN. I can eat 3 of those at a go. Or more i think.

Although it was tiring and not very highly paid, i had fun. And for the other girls there who might feel a little irritated by non-stop chatters and giggles from the four of us, a sincere apology. But well, we're just like that.
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