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At first, my natural hair was wavy shoulder length.
It was ugly (especially the gold. omigosh. )

Then, i did extensions. Straight, slightly longer hair.

Then, i had big curls for a night. I love it, but im too lazy to curl it every morning. ( I can't anyway, i oversleep all the time) (oh did i also mention that i slept more than 12 hours afew nights ago? I still can't believe it. I used to sleep only 5-6 hours a day when i had school but now that im not schooling, im sleeping double! I skip lunch everyday and have supper every night. Bad.)

Then i changed, to curly extensions.
(stop laughing i know this picture look retarded but im only putting it up because it shows the curls clearly.)

After 2 weeks, i changed to very thick natural wave extensions. Some people felt it was too thick though. Im always so clumsy so it makes me look messy and untidy.

After so many changes, i still think straight plain hair suits my personality the most. And so, im now back to straight hair again, just that it's longer this time! I LOVE IT!

If you insult me, i'll send my hair smacking your face. Wahahaha. That was what accidently happened when alvin was suaning me that night. LOL.
(Thanks to Daniel and Felix for helping me take the pictures. It's for some thingy coming up. Reveal it to you all next time!~ )
Thanks to Milly's for sponsoring me time and time again. She's bringing in new additions to her list of services, so wait for more updates! :) Meanwhile, go to http://www.milly-s.blogspot.com/ for more updates regarding current promotions.

She also do hair styling (curl your hair!) for only $10!

They also do eyelash extensions!

At first, my natural hair was wavy shoulder length.
It was ugly (especially the gold. omigosh. )

Then, i did extensions. Straight, slightly longer hair.

Then, i had big curls for a night. I love it, but im too lazy to curl it every morning. ( I can't anyway, i oversleep all the time) (oh did i also mention that i slept more than 12 hours afew nights ago? I still can't believe it. I used to sleep only 5-6 hours a day when i had school but now that im not schooling, im sleeping double! I skip lunch everyday and have supper every night. Bad.)

Then i changed, to curly extensions.
(stop laughing i know this picture look retarded but im only putting it up because it shows the curls clearly.)

After 2 weeks, i changed to very thick natural wave extensions. Some people felt it was too thick though. Im always so clumsy so it makes me look messy and untidy.

After so many changes, i still think straight plain hair suits my personality the most. And so, im now back to straight hair again, just that it's longer this time! I LOVE IT!

If you insult me, i'll send my hair smacking your face. Wahahaha. That was what accidently happened when alvin was suaning me that night. LOL.
(Thanks to Daniel and Felix for helping me take the pictures. It's for some thingy coming up. Reveal it to you all next time!~ )
Thanks to Milly's for sponsoring me time and time again. She's bringing in new additions to her list of services, so wait for more updates! :) Meanwhile, go to http://www.milly-s.blogspot.com/ for more updates regarding current promotions.

She also do hair styling (curl your hair!) for only $10!

They also do eyelash extensions!

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