Heard this song on the radio that day.
I think it's really nice :)
The lyrics are below this player.
The thing that i love about this song is the lyrics. Especially the part in red. To be honest, i was in that situation in all my relationships since more than a year ago. For so many months, so many guys that took my heart and left, I was never the one that the guy loved most. There'll be someone in his heart that holds a higher position than me, be it his ex, or his next gf after we broke up. The feeling is terrible, you feel very inferior and will ask yourself many questions.
I've been repeating this song over and over again...
After so much, Im afraid to fall in love.
that explains the wall that i built around me.
that explains why im always trying to pull away.
Sometimes i feel disheartened and inferior.
I dont know how i can go beyond 'her'.
I know im not a special girl,
but i still hope that you'll remember me in the future,
just like how you remembered everything about you and her.
:) Let's be happy together.
I shall listen to you,
i'll walk over your past like how you said you did.
i wish you really did.
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